• Diving First Aid Instructor

Diving First Aid Instructor

DAN training is Diventures’ preferred curriculum for CPR, oxygen training, and first aid. This course provides the candidate with Diving First Aid (DFA) Instructor, Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor and Oygen Provider (O2) Instructor certificates. Upon successful completion the candidate will be able to conduct training to others.



  • Must have a current DAN Membership
  • Active status dive professional (DM or higher)
    • Non-dive professionals who hold a CPR instructor rating with another agency may apply for a waiver
  • Hold a current CPR provider certification (within the last 2 years)



  • Digital materials and certification
  • Student slate set


Does Not Include:

  • Any other optional training aids (EpiPen trainer, tourniquet trainer, etc.)
Starting from

Availability: In Stock

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